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Port of Brisbane names contractors for Brisbane International Cruise Terminal

Written by Monica Gameng | Feb 9, 2019 2:00:00 PM

Construction on the massive $158 million Brisbane International Cruise Terminal at the Port of Brisbane is set to launch later this year, with two principal contractors named to deliver works on the multi-million dollar project.

“The Port of Brisbane’s $158 million Brisbane International Cruise Terminal signals bright horizons for the cruising industry in Queensland.

“Queenslanders are eagerly awaiting the opening of the terminal next year, which will be ready for the 2020 cruising season,” Minister for State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning Cameron Dick said.

Brisbane-based company Brady Marine & Civil has been engaged to undertake the wharf construction, while Hindmarsh has been appointed to deliver civil works as well as construction of the terminal building.

“Both Brady Marine & Civil and Hindmarsh are highly regarded in their fields.

“Importantly, both have strong track records for innovation and project delivery, together with the proven experience and capabilities required to help us deliver this world-class cruise facility,” Port of Brisbane Pty Ltd CEO Roy Cummins said. 

Early preparation works for the wharf are now underway and piling works are expected to commence soon - with piles manufactured by local company ABFI Steel Group. Wharf construction will follow once piling has concluded.

Up to 85,000 cubic metres of clean sand or surcharge is also currently being relocated. Hindmarsh will commence site preparation for major construction in March and major construction activities will begin in April.

The project is expected to support up to 245 jobs annually during the construction phase and approximately 49 jobs over the next 20 years once the cruise terminal is operational.

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Source: Queensland Government; Mirage News